Sunday, October 22, 2006

My questions about this whole thing

I really have some questions about the whole emergent movement or conversation or thought process or communal divine inspiration. Sometimes, I think I get it and even seem to understand postmodernism. Sometimes I'm sure I don't get it at all. Sometimes I think the most audible voices are all inclusive and then sometimes I think they're only all inclusive if I'm all inclusive. Sometimes I think its about keeping all the babies in the bathwater and sometimes I think its about throwing out the baby with the bathwater. I suppose the question I have for anyone interested in the subject is, where are you?


Janice said...

I'm open to dialogue though I have to admit I may not be any furthe along than you are. ;-)

For me its just about taking a look at common perceptions and practices and seeing how much of it is cultural and how much is 'scriptural' and then also how to take what is 'truth' and apply it to the current world around me.

Say if I went to talk to a 5 year old, I'd tailor how I present my material (regardless of subject matter - be it a faith topic or medical) differently than if I went to speak to a room of 40 year olds. Likewise I'd tailor a talk about say suicide differently for health care professionals as versus families of those who have committed suicide.

Thats kind of where I am,

can you share more about where you are?

juniper said...

You're the first person to post to my blog! (Yes, I am a great big geek.) Welcome!

I'm about 5 years old. Actually, I get postmodernism's flexibility. I'm a lawyer and laws on particular subjects change all the time and even basic legal principles change from time to time depending on what's going on in the world. I suppose I'm trying to figure out where the stable center is, if there is such a thing. It would be hard to build on a perpetually tilting platform, if you know what I mean. Of course, this could be the modernist in me speaking wanting to know, "What is truth?"